Hubert Humphrey Alumni Forum Conducts Seminar, “Possible Reform Paths for Egypt Current Challenges”

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On March 27 the Commission’s Hubert Humphrey Alumni forum conducted a seminar on “Possible Reform Paths for Egypt
Current Challenges.” Convened in cooperation with the Sadat Academy for Management Sciences, the seminar addressed the
different alternatives for resolving the economic challenges, administrative restructuring of institutions and political stability and
investment environment in Egypt. Approximately, one hundred participants joined the event representing faculty members, graduate students, journalists, alumni, representatives from ministries and in-country American grantees.


Speakers of the first session included, Dr. Hani Sarie Eldin, (International law institute Washington D.C. 2000-2001), Head of the Commercial and Maritime Law Department, Faculty of Law, Cairo University, in addition to Dr. Omnia Helmy, Executive Director, Egyptian Center for Economic Studies and Mr. Mohamed Al Bahey, Chairman of Lana Cosmetics and Vice President of Medical Chamber. Prominent alumnus, Dr. Gouda Abdel Khalek, (John Hopkins University 1988-1989 and University of Southern California 2002-2003), Professor of Economics, Faculty of Economic and Political Science, Cairo University and former Minister of Solidarity and Social Justice post January 25 Revolution, rounded up the session with his valuable comments covering both the academic and professional.

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