2018 US Fulbright Scholar to Egypt, Dr. Yasser Ayad delivers a Lecture at Ainshams University
The Binational Fulbright Commission in Egypt (BFCE) co-hosted a lecture and alumni reception at Ain Shams University on November 7, 2018. Dr. Abdel Nasser Singab, Vice president of Ain Shams University for Postgraduate Studies and Research gave the welcome remarks followed by Dr. Yasser Ayad, Professor of Geographic Information Systems at Clarion University of Pennsylvania and currently an affiliate at the Architecture and Urban Planning Department of the Faculty of Engineering, Ain Shams University who gave an overview of his Fulbright funded project to produce an Interactive Atlas of Historical Cairo. The project employs geospatial technology and online tools to develop a platform that guides users around the historical locations in Cairo, providing an online museum-like structure for sites.
The event concluded with an information session on the different Fulbright programs available for Egyptians. The event was coordinated by Dr. Rania Salah, BFCE alumna and Director of the International Relations Office at Ain Shams University. The well attended event included guests such as BFCE Board member Ms. Helene Lafave, Minister-Counselor for Public Affairs at the U.S. Embassy in Cairo, Fulbright alumni and faculty members of Ain Shams University.