The Fulbright Legacy

J. William Fulbright was born in Missouri in 1905. He was educated at the University of Arkansas and at Oxford University, where, as a Rhodes Scholar, he earned an M.A. degree.

Fulbright was elected to the U.S. Senate in 1944 and served there from 1945 through 1974. In 1949 he became a member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and from 1959 to 1974 he was its chairman, the longest serving chairman of that committee in history. Fulbright became one of the most influential and best-known members of the Senate. In 1963 Walter Lippman said, “The role he plays in Washington is indispensable. There is no one else who is so powerful and also so wise?” Today he is best remembered for the legislation establishing the Fulbright Program, which passed without debate in 1946. The first participants traveled in 1948. Since then more than 310,000 “Fulbrighters” have participated in the program.

Of all of the joint ventures in which we might engage, Fulbright later said of the program,”the most productive is educational exchange  can turn nations into people, contributing as no other form of communication can, to the humanizing of international relations.

The Mandate

The Binational Fulbright Commission in Egypt was established in 1949, and is the oldest and largest Fulbright program in the Arab world. It was created through a protocol between the Egyptian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the U.S. State Department. Governed by eight Directors of its Board, there are four Egyptian and four American Board members. Since 1949 nearly 8,000 scholars have been American Fulbrighters in Egypt or Egyptian Fulbrighters in the United States. The Commission’s mandate is to cultivate mutual understanding through educational exchange. We do so, one Fulbrighter at a time, so that every Fulbrighter is better prepared to pursue what Senator J. William Fulbright called the “essence of intercultural education: empathy, the ability to see the world as others see it, and to allow for the possibility that others may see something we have failed to see….”

Commission Core Values







Fulbright Commission in Egypt Staff



  • Ms. Ranya Rashed
    Ms. Ranya Rashed Director of Programs
  • Mr. Asser Hany Assistant Programs Manager
  • Ms. Mai Ayyad
    Ms. Mai Ayyad Senior Program Officer
  • Ms. Noha Salah
    Ms. Noha Salah Senior Program Officer
  • Ms. Batool Khaled
    Ms. Batool Khaled Program Officer
  • Ms. Mary Ateyya
    Ms. Mary Ateyya Assistant Programs Officer
  • Ms. Salma Amgad
    Ms. Salma Amgad Assistant Programs Officer
  • Ms. Maria Emad
    Ms. Maria Emad Assistant Programs Officer
  • Ms. Eman Abdelhady
    Ms. Eman Abdelhady Intern


  • Mr. Ashraf Ismail
    Mr. Ashraf Ismail Finance Manager


  • Ms. Manal Faress Assistant Operations Manager
  • Mr. Khaled Selim
    Mr. Khaled Selim Senior IT Officer
  • Mr. Ramez Girgis Senior Operation Officer
  • Mr. Raafat Fayez
    Mr. Raafat Fayez Operations Engineer
  • Mr. Hisham Farid
    Mr. Hisham Farid Admin Assistant


  • Mr. Arafa Ismail
    Mr. Arafa Ismail
  • Mr. Kamel Matta
    Mr. Kamel Matta

Members of the Board

  • Dr. Ayman Ashour
    Dr. Ayman Ashour Minister and Fulbright Chair

    Ministry of Higher Education

  • Mr. Ruben Harutunian
    Mr. Ruben Harutunian Minister Counselor for Public Affairs - as Treasurer

    U.S. Embassy in Egypt

  • Dr. Mostafa Rifat
    Dr. Mostafa Rifat Secretary General

    Supreme Council of Universities

  • Ms. Marisol E. Pérez
    Ms. Marisol E. Pérez Director of Education and Partnerships Office

    USAID Egypt

  • Mr. Raymond R. Miller
    Mr. Raymond R. Miller Founding Partner – rmc

  • Dr. Ayman Farid
    Dr. Ayman Farid Head of Central Administration for International Students’ Affairs

    Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research

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