BFCE Visit to Damietta Governorate, November 2024

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Governor of Damietta, H.E. Dr. Ayman El Shehabi welcomed Dr. Maggie Nassif, Executive Director of the Binational Fulbright Commission in Egypt to discuss ways for collaboration and present Fulbright opportunities to support local industries including furniture making, fishing and pastry production. The Fulbright team also visited the Safe City at Ezbat El Borg on the premises of the public library with Deputy Governor Ms. Shaima El Sedeek and was impressed the training offered to the women in collaboration with the International Labor Organization (ILO). The Fulbright delegation which included Mr. Ramez Girgis, Senior Operation Officer and Mr. Hisham Farid, Admin Assistant gave an information session on Fulbright grants for Egyptians including the Community College Program for technical education.

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